

Hydro %
(5.48, 0.29, -0.8)
Avg. Orbit R
Day Length
3 mnlt
K5 V
21 h
Year Length
21 billion
11 (Advanced)
Very Abundant
97 d


Amerish, Esparanto


Colm was settled by a relatively well funded semi-libertarian group that wanted to escape what they felt was a growing oppression of world governments. Ironically, the investors leveraged their Earth-bound investments to elevate themselves into a permanent ruling class: the Factors. They are an oligarchy, plain and simple. In spite of this, there is a great deal of freedom on Colm, but the Factors are the only people entitled to vote or hold office on a planetary scale.

Colm is the center of government for the Colm Confederation. It is also one of the largest economies in the sector, and the largest in the Confederacy. As a result, there is a relatively large population of offworlders. Most offworlders living longterm on Colm are self-segregated into enclaves of like racial and/or ethnic people, but in general offworlders are welcomed and even encouraged to live amongst Colmites.

Colmite culture is vibrant, energetic, and industrious. They are patrons and consumers of the arts in many forms, from literature to sculpture to live theater and beyond. Even amongst those living off of basic income, there is a high level of activity that is generally productive if for no one else than the individuals, families, and/or friends partaking in it.

From simple pubs, coffee shops and the like to the most energetic and creative of nightclubs, Colm nightlife is equally varied and vibrant. This has made several of Colm’s cities tourist destinations both globally and within the New Home Sector.

Port of Colm (Class V)

The highport, known simply as Colm Highport, is exactly what one would expect of a major economic power. It has extensive shipyards, multiple orbital stations, and sees a tremendous volume of ships pass through it every year. The downport is known as Freeport, and it is not quite what one might expect.

Colm Freeport has a reputation for taking cash and asking no questions. Naive pirates, privateers, and smugglers sometimes take this at face value. No questions asked, cash on the barrel head, exchange goods and services and move on. What they fail to grasp is this simple truth: no blind eye is without ears.

The Factors have spies, and licensed bounty hunters ply their trade with impunity. It is just the way they like it. If someone has a bounty on them, there’s a good chance they’ll be in custody before leaving the port. The only truly free ground is the berth – the place where one’s ship is parked. On that pad, in those enclosed walls, or on the tarmac, one is free from bounty hunters. But even there one is not free from the spying eyes of the Factors. Sometimes they don’t issue bounties for those who have crossed them; instead they order hits.

That’s Freeport itself. Outside of the port proper is a large independent municipality – Downfall – built on a salt flat, serving commercial interests and engaging in light industry. There are tracts of empty land to be had relatively cheaply miles from the bulk of civilization. It can’t be owned; it has to be leased, and any improvements return to the owner should a fair renewal contract not be signed. Leases can last a century or more.

Downfall has a resort strip known for the vices offered. Gambling, drugs, flesh, and more can be had – for a price. It is an attraction for spacers and Colmites alike. The crown jewel of Vice Way, as it is known, is the Galaxy. It is the ultimate in luxury and elegance. Vice can be had without squalor, vulgarity, or unwanted scrutiny. The clientele range from the super-wealthy to common tourists on years-long planned vacations.


Colm is divided into municipalities and prefectures -- municipalities may be independent or may be under the umbrella of a prefecture’s governance. Local areas (municipalities and prefectures) have councils that can be made up of citizens (non-Factors), though the executive is always of the Factorial class. Because most of the governance is local, this does provide citizens with a moderate degree of political influence. Common citizens generally get to elect their local Factors (typically called mayors or prefects).

Colm’s government is bicameral, with the higher body, the Senate, elected from amongst the Factors on a planetary scale. The lower house, Parliament, is comprised of representatives from the various prefectures and municipalities based upon population. These are elected by Factors within their jurisdictions, sometimes with the consent of the local councils. The President (head of State) comes from the Senate; the Prime Minister (head of government) comes from Parliament. The only actual political power the President has is to dissolve Parliament and call for an election.

There are numerous minor offices; these are often held by Factors (some of whom hold more offices than they can possible manage) who delegate their authority to a deputy. In practice, this gives them ceremonial power while the actual work is done by citizens or up-and-coming Factors.


Colm has numerous colonies. Its solar system is well colonized and highly populated, adding another 8 billion to the system populateion. Beyond the solar system, Colm has several colonies run by the Office of Colonial Affairs (OCA). Currently, the status of these colonies within the Confederacy is undecided; whether they will be admitted as protectorates, territories, colonies of the Confederacy, or simply remain in the hands of their mother system is a matter of intense debate.


Long lives have not reduced religious participation on Colm, but have softened the intensity of religiosity within most communities. Colm is open to all religions, culturally striking a balance between spiritual and public life. This has allowed religion to flourish without undue influence on society as a whole. Only a small minority are fanatical enough to allow it to impact their relationship with the rest of society at large. Most fanatics are sent to colonies to live their beliefs without disruption to either their lives or the lives of ordinary Colmites.

The dominant religion is an offshoot of the Anglican church. Religious Factors and other members of the upper class generally attend High Church Anglican parishes, while a low church Anglicanism is predominant in the middle and lower classes. This accounts for roughly 40% of the population. Around 15% are atheists (including agnostics), another 15% are Muslim, 5% Jewish, 25% follow a variety of other religions, including Bannarites (~1%) and Drayhoahans (less than 1%). The vast majority of religious communities are liberal insofar as they are extremely respectful and tolerant of the views and beliefs of others.

Colmite Baseline Genetic Template

Natives of Colm have been engineered to both optimize themselves for life on Colm and to enhance their abilities beyond those of baseline humans. After 1000+ years of eugenic genetic engineering, Colmites are a baseline species, capable of breeding with most subspecies of baseline humans.

Colmite Template [33]

Attribute Modifiers: IQ+1 [20], HT+1 [10]. Basic Speed (-0.25) [-5].

Advantages: Deep Sleeper [1], Longevity [2], Resistant to Disease (+8) [5].

Taboo Traits: Genetic Defects.

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