

Hydro %
(7.78, 2.21, 4.3)
Avg. Orbit R
Day Length
1 mnlt
Primary: K2IV; Companion: K2V
19 h
Year Length
6 million
8 / 11
179 d

Amerish, Esperanto

Wolfshead is a colony of Colm, settled over the past century. It was selected for terraforming as part of a wave of colonization which began three centuries ago. Originally, Wolfshead was an ocean world (i.e., one containing water but lacking life forms) bordering on greenhouse. The predicted timeline would have put initial colonization 500 years in the future, taking a total of 750 years. That timeline was greatly shortened by TeraTech, then a startup, using their newly developed nanotech to greatly speed the process; it is now projected to be completed within the next decade.

Wolfshead was the proving ground for TeraTech’s terraforming technology, and was based on Wolfshead for more than a century. It drove the economy, providing more than 50,000 jobs at the height of its production. Just over a decade ago, TeraTech was acquired by Mittleson AG, which specializes in agriculture. Since that time, TeraTech has slowly withdrawn from Wolfshead. This has created a major shift in the once bright economy.

The main settlement runs along the Spendric River, covering approximately 6000 square miles and accounting for ~3.5 million people. The main city and colonial capitol of Traiden is situated next to a large lake fed by the river. It is 10 miles from the spaceport and is the central hub of river, land, and air traffic.

Traiden had been operating on an aggressive growth plan. The results are areas of abandoned infrastructure including roads, maglev tracks, pre-developed lots, and abandoned dwellings all built in anticipation of TeraTech’s continued expansion. Traiden is no longer able to maintain a TL 11 infrastructure independently, the class III starport is underutilized, and the influx of colonists has ground to a halt.

Outside of Traiden, the impact has been less severe. The main settlement’s economy is mostly agriculturally based, producing tinkla wood (a fast growing hardwood bio-engineered for Wolfshead), fabrics, and foodstuffs for export. There are several settlements supported by light industry which serve as infrastructure for a locally sustainable TL 8.

The majority of the other settlements lie along the Spendric or its tributaries, providing an easy transportation network. There are a few, smaller settlements outside of this developed region. Some of these were formed by groups wishing to leave mainstream Colmite society for a variety reasons. The rest were secondary landing sites for the original colony mission, scattered throughout the main continent. Most of these have class I starports.

In spite of Traiden’s modernity, Wolfshead is still a frontier world, full of opportunity. Much of it lacks roads or other ground transportation, so travel is done via aircar and heavy transport by vertol aircraft. The population is noticeably younger and more energetic than most long-settled worlds.

There are numerous interesting animals on Wolfshead. The Roc Condor, a bird with a 35 foot wingspan, is “native” to the mountain range which runs along the north edge of the wide Spendric River Valley. They hunt medium game and fly to the ocean for fish.

The Wolfshead Grey Wolf is a genetically engineered wolf species. They are very large, 3 - 4 feet at the shoulders, weighing 125 - 250 lbs (in 1G). They are highly intelligent but as a species fail to meet the standards for sentience. Individuals occasionally do, however. They are also telepathic, able to convey feelings and intents to nearby people. This allows them to work with farmers and other settlers without substantial conflict.

The snow spider is another species of interest. They are in fact arachnids, with six 4 foot long legs and two 5 foot long manipulator limbs. They weigh 40 - 80 lbs., and are quite hardy, readily adapting to most of Wolfhead’s regions. They are social animals, living in groups of 4 - 20. They are also domesticatable, used for their meat, but prized for their silk, with which they cover themselves.

Port of Wolfshead (Class III)
Wolfshead downport is small for a class III facility, but serviceable nonetheless. It connects to Traiden via maglev. Like Traiden, it shows signs of abandoned expansion, with half-built berths scattered around its periphery. Its main terminal stands half empty. It still sees a decent amount of traffic, both due to TeraTech and a steady trade with Colm, Darkfin (for petroleum products), and Whitefir (for TL 10 & 11 technology).

Wolfshead is ruled by a governor appointed from Colm (usually a young, ambitious Factor), advised by a democratically elected colonial council. The governor has broad powers: he is able to grant pardons, act as a patron to individuals and businesses, declare martial law, and dictate policy. Governors are accountable to Colm’s Office of Colonial Affairs (OCA), and, ultimately the Confederation as well. Judges, also appointed by the OCA, adjudicate legal cases.

Local settlements generally have elected councils and mayors, though these mayors can be appointed by the governor. Traiden is directly ruled by the colonial governor, though a deputy mayor is usually appointed. A citizen’s advisory council works with the deputy mayor.

Wolfshead Racial Template

Colonization opened to the general public roughly a quarter century ago. With terraforming almost, but not quite, complete, no specific bio-engineered sub-species have been created. Most settlers on Wolfshead are Colmites. Wolfshead is a low-G world, and Colmites take medications to maintain their muscle mass and bone density. Children born on Wolfshead without specific medical intervention are light worlders.

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