5 XP awarded
Session Notes:
Still in the office, they decided that their best chance of figuring out where the Raven went would be to determine the nature of the cargo they took on. Naturally, there was no record of the type or nature of the cargo, merely how much duty had been collected. Their brilliant hacker was able to find the customs officer (Harvey Weewax) who collected port duties as well as the foreman (Marina Oginoya) of the crew which loaded the cargo. Even better: they managed to get the addresses for both. They decided to pursue Mr. Weewax first.

They spent some time scoping out his apartment building before talking to the robot doorman. They found out that Harvey spends a fair amount of time at a local dive bar called the Roxy Dumpling. They then proceeded to insult the bot, who somewhat impolitely asked them to leave and never come back.
At the Roxy Dumpling, they found Harvey, and approached him boldly. He proved to be quite helpful – for a price. He told them that the cargo had been guided missiles and mortars. The warheads carried nanoweapons of some kind.

Wracking their brains, they came up with a few possible destinations for the nanoweapons. The candidate they thought the most likely was Berertovsk. It's owned by Mittelsohn, but there's a group of dissidents who have undertaken a few terrorist attacks against Mittelsohn facilities. It was a good possibility, but they wanted to be sure – going to the wrong system meant losing the trail entirely.
The days on Limossos are 14 hours, their respite brief. In the morning, they tracked down the freight loader foreman. They caught her as she was heading to work, and insisted that she speak with them. Marina approached the situation shrewdly. She took them to a coffee house and gave them until she finished the coffee they had bought for her. She managed to get more than a few dollars out of them. She, too, was a dead end.
The one piece of valuable intelligence she had was the name of the ground crewman who hooked up data and power to the ship. For just a few dollars more – making the day of the nameless, faceless mook of a technician – they were able to confirm that the Grandaughter Raven was, in fact, heading for Berertovsk.
Without delay, they returned to their aircar, returned to Paphos, where some comedy ensued over its return – they had violated the rental agreement by going to the Bazaar – then departed for Berertovsk.
The session ended just as they entered the Berertovsk system.
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