
Adventure Notes (First Adventure)

Capsule Dossiers:
Captain Gothia Lydan
Reward: $500,000 alive; $50,000 dead.
Lydan is a former Perheim Raider. Perheim Raiders, in addition to their rigorous training, undergo extensive biological and bionic reconstruction, most notably a hyper-dense skeleton and muscular upgrades. They remain the most elite unit in the Confederate military, although they now admit non-Perheimers to their ranks.
    Lydan saw service through the first 2 decades of the war before being severely wounded. After her recovery, she was given the option of taking a rotation in their training division or mustering out of the unit. She chose the latter.
   Unsure of how to proceed, she made her way to Colm searching for direction. It was Mr. Kord who reached out to her. She jumped at the opportunity to serve the Confederacy in her own way. Originally, she was not the captain of the Granddaughter Raven. He was killed in a firefight while making a cargo drop. When he perished, she was the only crew member with anything close to the requisite skills.
   She is a highly skilled pilot, and an excellent tactician. Her training also makes her a lethal combatant. Prior to going rogue, the Raven was a successful smuggling ship, dabbling occasionally in piracy and murder for hire, including a high profile assassination of a Kentori planetary governor.
Ergen “Joker” Pyslan
Reward: $250,000 alive; $50,000 dead.
Ergen has an extensive criminal record, but has managed to avoid psychological reprogramming. He is first and foremost a conman, both charming and handsome. He is also a dangerous gunfighter, known for his speed and accuracy. In one incident, he was caught unaware by a trio of soldiers. With three guns trained on him, he drew and fired on the soldiers, killing them before any was able to get off a shot.

Marcus O’Bran
Reward: $100,000 alive; $50,000 dead.
Marcus O’Bran is an ex-marine. He was a mercenary at the time the war began, and remained so, mostly selling his services as a bodyguard. He’s highly skilled, known to wear heavy armor and carry heavy weapons. He is also their sniper.

Wattle Bea
Reward: $50,000 dead or alive.
Wattle Bea is a hermaphromorphic bioroid commissioned by Mittelsohn A.G. Mittelsohn's policy toward AIs and biological constructs grants them no rights - they are considered property. Bea escaped its owners and made its way to Colm, where it fell in with Joker, eventually finding its way to the Raven. Bea is an expert at getting into and out of high security installations.

Drake Manly
Reward: $50,000 dead or alive.
Manly is an expert navigator, recruited to replace the first captian of the Raven. He's a purebred human.

Kae Akaki
Reward: $50,000 dead or alive.
Akaki is their ship's engineer. She has been with them since the beginning.

Myles Tanda
Reward: $50,000 dead or alive.
Tanda is a shooter who joined the crew after they went rogue.

Additional / unspecified crew:
$50,000 dead or alive.

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